Azure Back to School 2020 has been redirected to a new GitHub pages site. This site has better mobile viewing and it will continue to be used annually for this event. This will be the location to find content for #AzureBacktoSchool. Content will be posted every day in September 2020 starting on the first. The event will conclude with a wrap up video on October 1, 2020.

Content is a mix of blog articles and/or videos that are provided by the contributors in the list below. Hyperlinks to each topic’s content will be updated each day. Contributors are also asked to post their contribution on social media (Twitter and LinkedIn, at minimum) with the link to this page ( and the hashtag #AzureBacktoSchool.

If you are having trouble with this page on your mobile device, links can also be accessed here:

Enjoy and see you back here on September 1, 2020! #AzureFamily

Date Topic Contributor
1-Sep-2020 Welcome to Azure Back-to-School plus
"Breaking Down the Network Chains" - Network Watcher
Dwayne Natwick
2-Sep-2020 How to Build an Azure Kubernetes Cluster using Managed Azure Active Directory integration Richard Hooper
3-Sep-2020 Azure Certification Preparation - Video
Azure Certification Preparation - Post
Gregor Suttie
4-Sep-2020 Beginning with Azure Functions in Visual Studio Jurgen Kevelaers
7-Sep-2020 Azure Hybrid including Hybrid Identity, Hybrid Device and Hybrid Exchange Shabaz Darr
8-Sep-2020 Introduction to Azure Monitor Vaibhav Gujral
9-Sep-2020 Azure Maps and Xamarin
Luis Beltran
10-Sep-2020 Windows Virtual Desktop Neil McLoughlin
11-Sep-2020 Application Networking - Breaking Down the Azure Network Chains Dwayne Natwick
12-Sep-2020 Azure DevOps is not for IT Pro's (says no one ever again) - Video
Blog post
Peter De Tender
13-Sep-2020 Serverless Big Data pipelines LaBrina Loving
14-Sep-2020 Exploring Azure Resources with Azure Graph Explorer Vukasin Terzic
15-Sep-2020 On-premise serverless app via Kubernetes and KEDA Stas Lebedenko
16-Sep-2020 Azure AZ-900 study guide
NEW! AZ-104 study guide
Nick Colyer
17-Sep-2020 Azure Backup on Azure resources. Video
Blog post
Wim Matthyssen
18-Sep-2020 The future of ARM Templates with Project Bicep Karel De Winter
19-Sep-2020 Virtual Network Gateways (includes demo) - Breaking Down the Azure Network Chains Dwayne Natwick
20-Sep-2020 Azure Function keys and API management Joel Hebert
21-Sep-2020 Azure Sentinel Ed Baker
22-Sep-2020 Deploying Terraform from develop to production consecutively using Azure DevOps Thomas Thornton
23-Sep-2020 Azure Lighthouse Alan Kinane
24-Sep-2020 Migration Journey from on-premises to Azure Sarah Lean
25-Sep-2020 ARM templates overview Marco Obinu
26-Sep-2020 DevSecOps - Integrating Security Practices with Azure DevOps Mark Patton
27-Sep-2020 Scalable Web Apps Tiago Costa
28-Sep-2020 Enterprise shared file services with Azure NetApp Files Kirk Ryan
29-Sep-2020 Using Blazor and Azure Static Web Apps to build seamlessly client-side apps blog post,
Video presentation and demo
Hugo Barona
30-Sep-2020 Azure Pipelines to deploy ARM templates Dave Rendon
1-Oct-2020 Azure Back-to-School Wrap-up post and video Dwayne Natwick