What I have learned about EBS on AWS

This is the fourth post of content for preparing yourself for becoming an AWS Solutions Architect Associate.

In this post, we are going to focus on Elastic Block Store, EBS, on AWS.

As I have done previously let’s look at the similarities and differences to the closest equivalent in Azure. EBS is the disk volume for data on compute service within AWS. It is the same as a Managed disk on an Azure Virtual Machines.

EBS is persistent block storage for EC2 instances and is automatically replicated within an availability zone to provide high availability and durability.

Five types of EBS:

EBS Volumes and Snapshots:

AMI-types - EBS versus Instance Store:

ENI vs ENA vs EFA ENI - elastic network interface - virtual network card. Attached automatically to your EC2 instances. ENA - enhanced networking (adapter). I/O virtualization for high performance throughput with lower CPU utilization. No additional charge but needs to be supported by the instance type. Up to 100 Gbps. EFA - elastic fabric adapter - for high performance and machine learning, or an OS bypass.

EFS - Elastic File System

Similar to Azure Storage Fileshares. Can share file systems to other EC2 instances. Add and remove files similar to a file server. Can mount EFS to share between EC2 instances for high availability. Need to create a NFS rule in the security group to allow access.

Supports Network File System v4 (NFSv4). Only pay for storage used. Petabyte scale.

EFS is a managed NAS native to Unix and Linux.

Amazon FSx

FSx for Windows - Windows files system on a managed Windows server running SMB file servers. Supports AD users, access control lists, groups, and security policies.

FSx for Lustre - hundreds of IOPS, compute intensive workloads, sub milli-second latencies. High performance compute and video processing workloads. Stores directly on S3.

I hope that you are enjoying this information so far. It is helping me to continue to comprehend these services as I prepare for the exam myself. Thank you very much.

Reference links:

What I’ve Learned about IAM on AWS


What I’ve Learned about S3 on AWS


What I’ve Learned about EC2 on AWS


What I’ve Learned about EBS on AWS


What I’ve Learned about Cloudwatch on AWS


What I’ve Learned about RDS on AWS


What I’ve Learned about Route 53 on AWS


What I’ve Learned about VPC on AWS


What I’ve Learned about High Availability on AWS


What I’ve Learned about Applications on AWS


What I’ve Learned about Security on AWS


What I’ve Learned about Lambda and serverless on AWS
